Art is a source of insight and meaningful experiences. The Art Market is however complex and it’s often difficult to obtain reliable market information. Artsync lets art collectors try works out before buying. And we help artists to earn cash – in other words we promote a mutual gain.
Artsync in Stavanger, Norway has for several years focused on integrating art in business and office buildings. We plan to work with at least fourteen offices per year, involving new artists and business representatives.
This autumn the lawyer company Sjødin, Meling & Co have celebrated their business expansion, by installing the exhibition «Impossible Figures». The exhibition in the lawyer’s new office space is on loan from Artsync Kunstrådgivning for six months. Artsync thanks Sjødin, Meling & Co for the assignment.
The business world and art world should reconcile to enable a win-win situation. Artsync offer to help both parties, to make the pie bigger and stay ahead of the curve. Get your art work and strengthen your company’s identity. For would-be art buyers who are unsure, Artsync has the answer: rent a work first.
Illustration: Art renting, leasing agreements, installation, logistics and curatorial advice
Do you still wonder why you should collaborate with Artsync? Here are four main points:
- Helps your company to establish a cultural profile.
- Art can enhance the working environment in a way that leads to increased motivation and better working atmosphere.
- The employees will feel appreciated and the art will give the working environment a different kind of intellectual substance.
- Artsync facilitates a smooth process and interaction between the art world and the business world – involving digital technology and face-to-face customer service.
Create an inspiring meeting room, entrance hall, canteen, foyer or office landscape – for visitors and employees. Artsync collaborates with local artists in South Western Norway, about site-specific art projects and art rentals. Contact us today for a free and non-binding business and art talk

Mer kunst i arbeidslokalene – ArtSync – Kunstgunst
24/11/2019 @ 20:14
Fyll veggene med kunst – behold fokus på kvalitet, ikke kvantitet!